The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Makes a Pledge

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation announced in July that it will be spending $20 billion dollars over the course of several years to tackle specific world problems.  The issues that Gates has identified are the prevention of pandemics, eradicating disease, addressing climate change, reducing childhood deaths, and gender equality.

When Bill and Melinda Gates divorced last year, they had pledged to donate $15 billion each to the foundation.  Since then, Warren Buffett has pledged a total of $35.7 billion to add to the Gates’ Foundation efforts.

Bill Gates is one of the top five world’s wealthiest people.  He has recently expressed a “sundowning” of his wealth in the future, which means he will spend/gift his money to causes of his choice and essentially gift his wealth.  Gates has said in the past that he feels privileged to be involved in tackling great challenges and is passionate about putting his money towards helping the future generations.