Our Work

Since our 2015 inception, Mercy Lab has contributed to funding to seven non-profit charitable organizations, which in turn have put into place ways in which data can be gathered in order to make the organization more effective. Mercy Lab started with small charities, small interventions, and small donations. We gradually extended our reach to larger and more complex non-profits. As our experience and network increases, we will continue to invest in our partners and consider multi-year interventions with more elaborate outcomes.

Mercy Lab Foundation partners with extraordinary non-profits and provides data analysis to help the non-profit evaluate their performance.  Our focus is to conduct data collection to determine a non-profit’s measure of effectiveness, transparency, and areas of excellence. Mercy Lab examines internal reports, interviews, budget documentation, and other key records, and quantifies impact using a variety of these measures.  The data evaluation not only provides essential insight for the non-profit, but also for the donors and others who support it.