Making a Difference in Reducing Poverty

The past few years have shown an increase, not a decrease in homelessness in the United States. The current mainstream statistics show that about one in eight people in the United States are currently considered “in poverty.” Federal and state governments spend trillions of dollars to curb the problem, but the numbers show that unless the spending is going towards a program that has been proven to be effective, the trillions in funding is mostly in vain. Food and shelter only go so far. The organizations that can get to the core of the issues prove to be the best, which should come as no surprise.

One organization in California has a proven record. It’s called Chrysalis, and its many offices around the LA area are finding success by helping low-income and homeless individuals find and retain jobs. The people at Chrysalis provide services like mock interviews, resume writing, and job preparation classes. They record that 75% of their clients are still working after half a year of being hired. The goal is self-sufficiency and teaching the skills needed for success.

Unique organizations like Chrysalis should be highlighted and applauded for the services that they are providing that are making a difference!