Robot Servers– a Glimpse of the Future?

What carries food in its belly, has no hands or feet, but can serve you a meal?

It’s a robot waiter; it’s real, and a restaurant in Miami is using them with great success.

The robot server’s name is ASTRO which is an acronym for Automated Service Tray Removal Organizer. It has some amazing capabilities, as one can imagine. It can speak Japanese, Korean, and English.

ASTRO was designed by Bear Robotics in the Silicon Valley, and the company specializes in automated robots for the hospitality/restaurant industry. Despite the help that the robot provides, it does not serve the food to seated customers. Humans do that. It does however, help carry trays of food plus returns dirty dishes to the kitchen.

With many restaurants having challenges with hiring staff and retaining good help, this helpful robot has been a welcomed addition to the Cuban restaurant in Miami.